19.12.18 16:01, Victor Stinner пише:
RHEL 7 is based on Python 2.7.5 which has been released in 2013 (5
years ago) and there are 150 patches on top of it: it means that
around 30 patches are added per year.

Unlikely the patch rate was constant. I suppose that more patches were created at earlier years. Additional time for fixing bugs in mainstream can decrease the number of necessary patches after the end of the official support.

I would suggest to have a very
strict policy on which changes are backported into 3.6: only the most
critical bugfixes, but all security fixes obviously.

I think it is better to allow backporting all changes which will be backported to 3.7 (but not require this). At this stage we should not make risky changes in 3.7.

If we extend Python 3.6 lifetime, do we need a new release manager
when the initial lifetime (usually 5 years) ends?

It would be hard to maintain 3.6 after EOL for 3.7. So I suggest to just the same EOL for 3.6 and 3.7 (i.e. add 1.5 years for 3.6 lifetime). Fortunately Ned is the release manager of both 3.6 and 3.7.

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