Le ven. 22 mars 2019 à 19:45, Brett Cannon <br...@python.org> a écrit :
> We discussed this and we think an anonymous vote on discuss.python.org is 
> probably best for this sort of thing.
> Victor, did you want to do the poll or would you prefer I set it up?

Sure, done:

Julien, Steve, Marc: Please vote again there.

I would suggest everybody to add a short message to "explain" their vote.

For the poll, I chose:

* Type: Single Choice
* Results: Always visible (the 2 other choices are: "When closed" and "On vote")
* Choice 1: Promote Stéphane Wirtel
* Choice 2: Don't promote Stéphane Wirtel
* [ ] Show who voted (unchecked = anonymous)
* [ ] Automatically close poll (unchecked = I will close manually the
poll early April 1st)

I got:
[poll type=regular results=always]
* Promote Stéphane Wirtel
* Don't promote Stéphane Wirtel

I can modify the poll if needed.

Maybe Choices could be labelled differently, but I had no better idea, sorry :-)

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