Since the discussion of how to define the canonical list of Python core team 
membership finished 
 I have gone ahead and created the official list.

EVERYONE, please go to and fill in your 
information (remember you can make changes through GitHub's web UI). Please 
note that the repository is private and so only fellow core developers or 
people with admin privileges to the Python org on GitHub can see that file (and 
if you're curious, it should be in reverse chronological order of joining the 
team). And everyone has information to fill in except Paul G. and myself (since 
I added Paul's details when I on-boarded him and I obviously knew all of my 
details :) .

It is important you fill in your details. PEP 13 says active core team members 
get to vote, have commit access, etc. The plan is to automate adding/removing 
privileges when we calculate who has been active and so this info will be 
needed to do that, else empty data will lead to you losing access. FYI the 
latest this updating of privileges will occur is probably the next steering 
council election which is slated for October when 3.8.0 goes out.

Here's a quick primer to what all the fields mean in the TOML file:

- name: self-explanatory ;) (luckily this has turned out to be unique for 
- other_names: if you happened to have committed under multiple names (I've 
filled this in for everyone the best I could, so people shouldn't need to 
change this)
- voting_address: the email address you want voting ballots sent to (this repo 
is private so use whatever email address you want; currently filled in based on 
your email address in the last steering council election)
- joined: when you joined the core team; I did the best I could based on the 
developer log, and otherwise calculated it based on your first merge/commit
- github: your GitHub username
- bpo: your username
- discourse: your username

I'll also mention I created to keep a 
record of who has had access to the CPython repo but are not in the Python core 
team roster.

Finally, next steps. With this list done my next plan is to write up a script 
to use git changes to calculate who has been active. After that I'll write code 
to take the list of active members and generate the voter roll for steering 
council elections. From there I'll write some code to generate a new developer 
log for the devguide with all private info stripped out (e.g. voting email 
address). Finally, code will be written to help automatically add/remove 
privileges for (in)active team members.
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