On Fri, May 28, 2021 at 6:55 AM Tim Peters <tim.pet...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I suppose I could ask why heap types were fiddled to point to their
> module objects too - but that's really got nothing to do with getting
> the release done, so I won't :-)

PyHeapTypeObject.ht_module was added by the PEP 573 "Module State
Access from C Extension Methods":

It is set if you create a type using PyType_FromModuleAndSpec(). Why
does it matter to store the module? Well, previously, it was not
possible to unload a C extension which prevented to release memory at
Python exit, and many Python objects survived to Py_Finalize(). This
behavior is unpleasant or can cause issues when Python is embedded.
This issue is getting worse if you consider the subinterpreter use
case (also when embedding Python). See
https://bugs.python.org/issue1635741: "Py_Finalize() doesn't clear all
Python objects at exit".

What is the relationship between unloading C extensions and
PyHeapTypeObject.ht_module? Well, to be able to unload an extension,
the extension must implement the multiphase initialization API (PEP
489) and it must be possible to create multiple instances of the same
extension. For correctness, it becomes important that each extension
has its own type instances and its own variables values. Global
variables must be made per module instance.

In practice, it means that global variables must be moved into a
"module state": PyModule_GetState(). The new problem becomes: how can
you access the module style from type methods which only get the
instance in its parameter and not the module? Well, there is how
PyHeapTypeObject.ht_module comes into the game: PyType_GetModule()
gives you the module.

Simple example:
static int
_abcmodule_exec(PyObject *module)
    state->_abc_data_type = (PyTypeObject
*)PyType_FromModuleAndSpec(module, &_abc_data_type_spec, NULL);
    if (state->_abc_data_type == NULL) {
        return -1;

static PyObject *
abc_data_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
    state = PyType_GetModuleState(type);

The tp_new function of the _abc._abc_data gets the type. It retrieves
the module state using PyType_FromModuleAndSpec().

This example is the simple case, since the type cannot be subclassed
(it doesn't have the Py_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE flag). Otherwise, you would
need the newly added _PyType_GetModuleByDef() function to find the
right type in the MRO, since PyHeapTypeObject.ht_module can be
different in a subclass (it can be NULL). You need to get the
"defining class" to retrieve the module state related to your
function. For example, for an ABC type, you would like to retrieve the
ABC module state in your ABC functions.

At the end, the great news is that extension modules behave as modules
implemented in Python: each extension instance has its own types,
variables values, internal state, etc. For example, it works as
expected to "reload" an extension to get a "fresh module" for unit
tests. Moreover, it is really possible to fully unload an extension.

Finally, if your heap types fully implement the GC protocol (traverse,
clear, GC type flag), unloading the extension is able to destroy all
Python objects that it created ;-) (except of objects that you kept
alive on purpose which can keep the extension partially alive ;-))

Hey, it's a funny issue!

For more context about these issues and subinterpreters, see the talk
that Dong-hee Na and me gave the Language Summit:
* https://pyfound.blogspot.com/2021/05/the-2021-python-language-summit_16.html
* https://github.com/vstinner/talks/raw/main/2021-PyconUS/subinterpreters.pdf

Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death.
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