Reminder that this is happening today at* 11:00 am San Francisco time
(UTC-7)* / 7:00 pm London time (UTC+1)

Zoom link:

El mié, 25 may 2022 a las 21:21, Jelle Zijlstra (<>)

> Hi everyone, the typing community is considering a proposal to add new
> syntax to support generic types. This is likely to be a big change, so we'd
> love for any interested core developers to join the discussion early on so
> we can get alignment faster.
> We'll have a video call next Wednesday to discuss the proposal; any core
> devs (or other interested readers) are welcome to join. (Even if your
> opinion is "we shouldn't ever do this"—that would be important feedback.)
> The proposal is still in its early stages, but it would look something
> like:
> class list[T]:
>     def append(self, obj: T, /) -> None: ...
>     def __getitem__(self, i: int, /) -> T: ...
> Replacing the current syntax:
> from typing import Generic, TypeVar
> T = TypeVar("T")
> class list(Generic[T]):
>     def append(self, obj: T, /) -> None: ...
>     def __getitem__(self, i: int, /) -> T: ...
> This is just by way of introduction; I don't want to start a discussion on
> this list. If you do want to contribute to the discussion but can't join
> the meeting, please reply to the mailing list thread
> .
> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
> De: S Pradeep Kumar <>
> Date: mar, 24 may 2022 a las 18:22
> Subject: [Typing-sig] Re: Typing Meetup
> To:
> Cc: None via Typing-sig <>
> *Update*: I'm moving the meetup to* Wednesday, June 1, 11:00 am San
> Francisco time (UTC-7)* / 7:00 pm London time (UTC+1).
> (The main reason for the change is that I want to invite some core dev
> folks outside of typing-sig, since we'll be discussing a syntax change. I
> don't want a repeat of Callable syntax :| )
> *Agenda*:
> Syntax for TypeVars, by Sebastian Rittau
> Zoom link: The meeting will be
> automatically recorded from the time it starts.
> I'll share the recording and notes after the meetup. [1]
> --
> S Pradeep Kumar
> [1]: Meeting recording and notes:
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