Hello All,

In testing the new req.get_session() method for the upcoming 3.2.0 release I've noticed that the performance of FileSession degrades badly as number of session files rises. Assuming this is related to putting a large number of files in a single directory, I decided to do some benchmarking outside of mod_python to investigate further.

I tested 4 different persistent stores on a linux system (kernel
2.6.9, ext3 file system). A simple dict was used to represent a typical session object. The session id is generated using the same method found in mod_python/Session.py, but adapted for use outside of mod_python.


Pickle saved in a dbhash (Berkley DB) table. The db table is opened and closed for each record saved. This is the same as the current implementation of DbmSession.

Pickle saved as a blob in a mysql table. A new connection is
opened and closed for each record saved.

Same as mysql but only one connection is opened for the complete test. Gives an indication of the overhead resulting from opening/closing 1000 connections.

Pickle saved as a file in a single directory. This is the same as the
current implementation of FileSession.

FS2 no_sync
Pickle saved as a file in a directory derived from the session id.
There are 256 possible subdirectories.

FS2 sync
Same as FS2 no_sync, but /bin/sync was called after 1000 files were
created to flush the OS write buffer.

For comparison, apache on the system used for these tests can serve
plain text files at 1650 req/second, or mod_python req.send_file() requests at 850 req/second. Reading and writing the session object is a possible limiting factor. By examining the results below we can estimate the upper bound that may be imposed when session handling is enabled and the impact of a give session storage mechanism.

The FS store shows O(n) performance. For a small number of session files
the performace is good. For the first 1000 session files our upper bound would be 2857 requests/second. There will be little impact on performance since this is faster than apache can serve a page.

At 50,000 files the *best* you could expect within mod_python is 72
requests / per second. This will obviously have a severe impact on performance. The current FileSession implementation scales poorly and needs to be re-written.

Using the multiple directory layout gives a significant performance improvement over a single directory as the number of session files increases. For 50000 session files it looks like O(1) behaviour. (This is not strictly true as the behaviour is really O(n), but this does not become significant until the number of session files rises beyond 5x10**5).

Using this storage scheme imposes an upper bound of 2000 requests/second with the following caveat. The write buffers of the underlying OS need to be flushed to disk. The time variations seen in the table (FS2 run 1, run 2) are a result of this syncronization at random intervals, which imparts a significant performance penalty. See row 47000 for a really agregious example - 22 seconds for 1000 files. The FS2-sync test shows that the storage scheme scales well for a large number of files, but since we can't control file syncing in a production environment there will be a performance penalty at high request levels.

FileSession with the FS2 directory layout will give the fastest response time, but only when the server is under a light to medium load. What constitutes a medium load will depend on the underlying OS and it's IO subsystem.

The dbhash table shows O(n) behaviour and does not scale well for a larger number of session files, although it is better than the current FileSession. The benchmarks used in this study did not do any file locking, but in the actual DbmSession implementation only one process/thread is allowed access to the dbm file at a time which will have a negative impact on performance. Likewise, there are no obvious optimizations for removing expired sessions, which is another potential bottleneck.

The best case for Dbm is 606 req/second at the 1000 file mark, and 122 req/second at the 50,000 file mark.

The data for a mysql backend suggests O(1) behaviour. It may not be obvious from the table, but there is a cost when the mysql db flushes it's records to disk. For the number of records inserted in this test the time for syncing is small and consistent. The sync time looks like O(n) and may become a consideration as the number of sessions increases beyond 100,000 but this will not be discussed further here.

For the number of sessions under consideration, we might expect an upper bound of 660 requests/second. As the number of sessions rises above 100,000 the performance will decrease due to the amount of time required for flushing the db buffers.

A session class using a SQL DB backend may be the best compromise between speed and consistent response times for serving a large number of sessions under a heavy load.

MySQL - 2
A further performance boost can be achieved if the hypothetical MySqlSession class can borrow a connection object from the user's code. For example, if the code is already opening a db connection, it could pass the connection object to the MySqlSession constructor and thus avoid the cost of opening a new connection.

The upper bound for this case is approx 1700 requests/second. Note that the syncronization behaviour is more obvious here - see the times for 20000, 29000, 37000, and 45000 records.

Existing |       Time in seconds to Add Additional 1000 Records    |
Session  +--------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+--------+
Records  |   FS   |  FS2  |  FS2  |  FS2  |  Dbm  | mysql | mysql2 |
         |        |no_sync|no_sync|  sync |       |       |        |
         |        | run 1 | run 2 |       |       |       |        |
      0  |    0.35    0.36    4.25    0.53    1.65    1.70    0.47 |
   1000  |    0.59    0.40    3.20    0.72    1.64    1.33    0.53 |
   2000  |    0.77    0.40    2.34    0.91    1.73    1.33    0.51 |
   3000  |    0.98    0.40    3.52    0.71    2.43    1.36    0.52 |
   4000  |    1.19    0.40    0.85    0.56    2.38    1.33    0.51 |
   5000  |    1.38    0.40    0.59    0.49    2.52    1.33    0.52 |
   6000  |    1.64    0.41    4.46    0.56    3.52    1.34    0.52 |
   7000  |    1.96    0.41    2.06    0.49    4.04    1.37    0.52 |
   8000  |    2.36    0.42    1.55    0.67    3.84    1.35    0.52 |
   9000  |    2.68    0.42    0.83    0.57    4.62    1.35    0.52 |
  10000  |    3.02    0.43    0.71    0.63    4.14    1.38    0.52 |
  11000  |    3.35    0.42    5.58    0.54    4.42    1.36    0.55 |
  12000  |    3.71    0.43    4.27    0.41    5.16    1.35    0.52 |
  13000  |    4.01    0.38    1.47    0.37    5.39    1.35    0.52 |
  14000  |    4.38    0.42    1.19    0.49    5.44    1.38    0.53 |
  15000  |    4.73    1.05    2.82    0.52    5.29    1.35    0.52 |
  16000  |    5.09    0.42    0.90    0.41    4.71    1.36    0.52 |
  17000  |    5.31    0.44    1.16    0.37    5.65    1.35    0.52 |
  18000  |    5.63    0.42    1.54    0.34    5.00    1.38    0.52 |
  19000  |    5.87    0.42    0.80    0.45    5.28    1.36    0.52 |
  20000  |    6.12    0.43    1.99    0.44    5.13    1.35    0.89 |
  21000  |    6.44    0.43    1.66    0.45    5.67    1.50    0.53 |
  22000  |    6.65    0.43    2.06    0.43    6.16    1.35    0.52 |
  23000  |    6.92    0.43    1.89    0.41    5.90    1.37    0.53 |
  24000  |    7.24    0.45    1.26    0.39    6.12    1.35    0.52 |
  25000  |    7.38    0.43    1.52    0.49    6.10    1.66    0.53 |
  26000  |    7.81    1.22    1.02    0.48    5.83    1.36    0.52 |
  27000  |    7.92    0.44    1.28    0.39    6.28    1.36    0.53 |
  28000  |    8.25    0.44    1.23    0.50    7.55    1.73    0.52 |
  29000  |    8.51    0.44    0.73    0.34    7.43    1.36    1.16 |
  30000  |    8.75    0.44    1.32    0.41    6.79    1.36    0.53 |
  31000  |    9.04    0.45    1.13    0.36    6.84    1.36    0.52 |
  32000  |    9.21    0.43    1.87    0.38    6.88    1.91    0.53 |
  33000  |    9.41    0.39    1.06    0.42    6.28    1.36    0.53 |
  34000  |    9.73    0.48    0.83    0.36    6.42    1.35    0.53 |
  35000  |    9.99    1.01    1.03    0.41    7.26    1.92    0.53 |
  36000  |   10.26    0.46    1.19    0.42    6.97    1.36    0.53 |
  37000  |   10.61    1.38    1.18    0.45    6.81    1.36    1.29 |
  38000  |   10.84    0.45    1.62    0.43    6.64    2.08    0.53 |
  39000  |   11.11    6.35    2.60    0.45    6.78    1.36    0.53 |
  40000  |   11.37    1.93    1.08    0.40    7.54    1.36    0.53 |
  41000  |   11.64    1.24    1.98    0.37    6.30    2.18    0.53 |
  42000  |   11.85    0.77    1.72    0.40    7.13    1.36    0.53 |
  43000  |   12.18    0.48    1.18    0.43    7.00    1.36    0.53 |
  44000  |   12.44    0.45    0.69    0.35    6.89    1.36    0.53 |
  45000  |   12.72    3.26    1.98    0.40    7.74    2.17    1.58 |
  46000  |   12.84    1.80    1.29    0.40    8.30    1.36    0.53 |
  47000  |   13.16    4.09   22.10    0.36    7.15    1.36    0.53 |
  48000  |   13.47    1.27    1.66    0.35    8.01    2.16    0.52 |
  49000  |   13.75    0.54    0.95    0.37    8.22    1.36    0.53 |

If anyone want to plays with my benchmark scripts let me know and I'll post them.


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