Gregory (Grisha) Trubetskoy wrote:

On Fri, 17 Jun 2005, Jim Gallacher wrote:

**** Brain Wave ****

It just occured to me that the performance problem may be related to opening and closing the dbm file for every record insertion. Adjusting the test so that the file is only opened once, I get O(1), and a great speed boost: 0.2 seconds / per 1000 records all the way up to 50,000 records. At that point I start to see period performance hits due to disk syncing, but that is to be expected.

I have no idea what to do with this knowledge unless we can figure out a way to keep the dbm file open across multiple requests. Ideas??

I seem to remember that that no free dbm implementation supports concurrent access (which you'd need for prefork mpm). I think the commercial version by sleepycat does, but who cares about that...

I was thinking we'd still use the current global locking scheme, but keep the file open between requests. Not sure if this would be robust or just asking for dbm file corruption though.


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