I agree with Nicolas. If we start chasing apache 2.1 alpha support we
might *never* get 3.2 out the door. :-( Also, what's the roadmap for
apache 2.1/2.2?
Nicolas Lehuen wrote:
Could we focus on Apache 2.0 for the 3.2 release ? Put 2.1 on the
agenda for a later release (why not 3.3 ?).
For the moment I don't see any quick and easy way to support both 2.0
and 2.1, from what you wrote. I'd rather we try to get 3.2 out with a
proper 2.0 support, and try to fix things for 2.1 when it goes at
least beta.
2005/9/7, Jorey Bump <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Jim Gallacher wrote:
A new mod_python 3.2 beta tarball is now available for testing. A
Windows binary for python 2.4 is also provided.
Please download it, then do the usual
$ ./configure --with-apxs=/wherever/it/is
$ make
$ (su)
# make install
Then (as non-root user!)
$ cd test
$ python test.py
And see if any tests fail. If they pass, send a +1 to the list, if they
fail, send the details (the versions of OS, Python and Apache, the test
output, and suggestions, if any).
Slackware Linux 10.1
Python 2.4.1
Apache 2.1.6 Alpha
To fix:
Before running ./config, remove this from src/filterobject.c:
if (!APR_STATUS_IS_EAGAIN(self->rc) && !APR_STATUS_IS_SUCCESS(self->rc)) {
PyString_FromString("Input filter read error"));
return NULL;
And remove this from src/connobject.c:
PyString_FromString("Connection read error"));
return NULL;
Then configure/make/make install/test:
Modify test.py for Apache 2.1.6-alpha, which has replaced mod_auth with
LoadModule("auth_basic_module %s" %
quoteIfSpace(os.path.join(modpath, "mod_auth_basic.so")))))
Run test.py again:
Now all tests fail with socket error (111, 'Connection refused'). Since
the errors are consistent, this might be an easy fix, I just haven't
figured out the problem, yet.
Anyway, starting Apache normally loads mod_python fine, and I can run a
simple "Hello, World!" module using Publisher.
I know Apache 2.1.6-alpha is still a moving target, but hopefully this
will indicate some potential problems with the forthcoming Apache 2.2.x
stable branch that can be fixed now, such as the (deprecated?)