2005/10/20, David Fraser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Jim Gallacher wrote:

> Nic Ferrier wrote:
>> All that I asked is that a module similar to mine be included in
>> mod_python's dist so that it can be available to programmers by
>> default.
> Yes, I understand this. I just think if the decision was made to
> include this feature it should be rock solid. I've not used the python
> logging module, but a cursory glance leads me to believe that it might
> be easy create a bad implementation.
>> I've been using mod_python (via Debian) for a while and I don't know
>> anything about a contrib directory.
> This is where we apply rule #6. ;) (Thanks for that Nick. It made me
> chuckle).
> You have not heard about a contrib directory because it does not
> exist. This is just an idea we've been tossing around to address the
> question of how to accomodate new features without adding bloat and
> complexity to mod_python. (And before you get excited Nic - I am *not*
> suggesting your proposal is bloat).
>> Here's a precis of my argument:
>> - logging is such a common thing for many projects;
>> - python has an official logging API;
>> - Apache has a logging system that most people using python logging
>>   will want to interface to
>> - code to allow python logging and Aapache logging to be glued
>>   together is trivial
>> - if everyone has to write trivial logging code over and over again
>>   that's a bad thing
> And I agree with all these points except that I don't think it's
> trivial to get it right. In fact, that it is *not* trivial may be best
> argument for inclusion in mod_python. Having everyone write seemingly
> trivial logging code which causes mod_python memory leaks or segfaults
> ultimately reflects poorly on mod_python, even if it's the user's own
> bad code.

Absolutely. I would be +1 on including a module that handles logging
with all the management required for it to work properly in a mod_python

That's my position, too. That's what I meant by "either we get it thoroughly right, or we don't integrate it into mod_python".


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