On 06/11/2005, at 11:55 AM, Gregory (Grisha) Trubetskoy wrote:

On Sun, 6 Nov 2005, Graham Dumpleton wrote:

Haven't had a chance to investigate yet and ensure they aren't caused by me using versions of both Python and Apache not in standard locations. Most
tests work though. The tests that fail are:

FAIL: test_connectionhandler (__main__.PerRequestTestCase)
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "test.py", line 962, in test_connectionhandler
File "/home/grahamd/testing/lib/python2.3/unittest.py", line 270, in fail
   raise self.failureException, msg
AssertionError: '/home/grahamd/src/mod_python-3.2.4b/test/htdocs'

Ran 38 tests in 10.173s

If this is in an OpenVPS, then it has to do with being transparently redirected to your IP, so what's in the log is not what is expected, or something to that extent - don't remember now, but it's all good, I wouldn't worry about this one.

That could possibly be it then. Had wandered if the OpenVPS environment
might have something to do with it, but didn't then understand why only
certain tests would be affected and not others. When I get a chance I
will still try and look into it, extracting the particular tests and
running them through a normal running version of Apache and not in a
loopback arrangement.


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