One extra comment on this...

Firstly make sure you have upgraded to the latest version of MySQLdb - we found earlier versions less than great.

Warning: If you have PHP installed it uses mysql client libraries which are OUT OF DATE - and will cause failures. Remove the php module from the server and try again.

We use MySQL 4.1 servers quite happily from mod_python under both win32 and linux.

Deron Meranda wrote:
On 4/12/06, Firat KUCUK <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
conn = MySQLdb.connect(
           host   = '',
           user   = 'pismikrop',
           passwd = 'pass',
           db     = 'db')

Unrelated to your question, but I see this a lot.  You should
not hardcode the database password in your script.  If your
script ever fails you may end up with a Python traceback, and
if PythonDebug is enabled (or you're using a framework on
top of mod_python) parts of your source code could be
dumped across the HTML output, including your password!

In web scripts, you should always read any passwords, etc.,
from some other place such as a file.

pw = open('.htdbpass','r').readline().strip()
conn = MySQLdb.connect(
            host   = '',
            user   = 'pismikrop',
            passwd = pw,
            db     = 'db')
Deron Meranda


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