Dan Eloff wrote ..
> > This may turn out to be messy or not useful as is as well. Overall, I
> > guess what we need to come up with is some example use cases where
> > search paths are required and perhaps work from that as to what is
> > a good interface for supporting it. At the moment, my impression is
> > that the common use case is in order to access some configuration
> > module in a central location. Can you describe again your use case?
> pyserver is a supporting framework for my websites, it handles
> cookies, sessions (including a very secure two-tier session), database
> connections (pooling & automatic rollback on exception), form
> validation and error handling, templates, etc. So most of my modules
> import at least one module from pyserver. I constantly am fiddling
> with pyserver so the ability to autoreload and debug it is very nice.
> I also have modules containing common functionality like login/logout
> functions, email functions, and misc stuff that I like to access all
> over the place. I want these things to autoreload, but I also want
> them available from anywhere.

How does the need for a search path come into this? Is it these common
modules you mention in the last couple of sentences that are located
in some other location, which you want found by a path search but want
to be reloadable rather than being on sys.path?


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