Nicolas Lehuen wrote:
> OK, I'm currently checking in the fixes you suggested on the trunk. Too bad
> we cannot write a unit test that checks for memory leaks.

I'm working on a test harness - Linux only at this point. I don't think
it would be a good idea to  incorporate it into the current unit tests
as it may take many hours to run the full suite. It uses top and
optionally pmap to get a detailed memory map so it should work on other
*nixes, but I'm not sure how hard it would be to make it truly cross
platform. I may drop the pmap option all together as it outputs more
information than is really necessary, and top does the trick.

Right now it does not use the unittest framework, but I think I'll
change it to do so. Once I've cleaned up the code a little I'll make it
publicly available. (Unless someone would like to play with the current
hack - but it isn't pretty ;) ).

Oh, and just in case there was any doubt, req_readlines, parse_qsl and
cfgtree_walk do indeed leak memory.


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