I'm +1 on going for 3.2.10.

You in Canada probably have it easier - I think we hit 96F/35C at some
point today or yesterday (I wouldn't know I'm in the office which has AC sunrise to sunset, I just listen to the news), and unfortunately (or not) due to work pressures I have no time for anything - no frolicking for me this summer :-(


On Sun, 16 Jul 2006, Jim Gallacher wrote:

Graham Dumpleton wrote:
Jim Gallacher wrote ..
Shall we proceed with a 3.2.10 release with the current memory leak
fixes, or keep digging for more leaks?

Seeing as it's summer for most of us (except for Graham), I get the
feeling people don't have a lot of free time to spend on mod_python
right now.

Just because it is winter down here and I'm freezing my butt off doesn't
mean I am any less busy. :-(

Oh, I wasn't suggesting you were any less busy - just that folks in the
northern hemisphere may well choose to frolic in the summer sun rather
that hack away at mod_python in their spare time. :)


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