Graham Dumpleton wrote:
> On 12/08/2006, at 11:39 AM, Earle Ady wrote:
>> So I wrote a simple mod_python handler and my unicode issues were
>> resolved.
>> The problem appears to be that using PSP with unicode isn't going to
>> get you very
>> far because Flex itself doesnt support unicode.... from what I can
>> tell this far...
>> This is going to be a big problem for people writing large PSP
>> implementations.
>> Thanks again.
>> ----
>> Earle W. Ady  ::  Chief Technology Officer  ::  Blue Lava Technologies
>> earle at bluelavatech dot com  ::  +1 310-913-0747 vox  ::  earleady aim
> Please keep any discussion on the mailing list. Have sent this back to the
> python-dev list since that is where you asked your original question and
> perhaps someone else can guide you about whether PSP and Unicode
> can be used together as I don't really know.
> Graham

I'm not sure which list this discussion will end up on, but Earle should
take a look at this thread in mod_python archive:

Ultimately it looks like a limitation of flex, so we have have 3 choices:

1. Find another lexer that supports Unicode.
2. Fix Flex to support Unicode ourselves. (Haha... not likely).
3. Re-write the psp parser in pure python as per Nicolas' suggestion in
the above quoted thread.
4. Ignore the whole thing and hope this Unicode thing is just a fad and
will soon go away. ;)

Perhaps we can refactor psp to use a parser plugin? Then users would
have a choice between py_psp_parser (Unicode but slower) and
c_psp_parser (fast but no Unicode).


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