On 2005 Jan 13, at 16:13, Carlos Ribeiro wrote: ...
+1, specially for the last sentence. An adapter with local state is
not an adapter anymore! It's funny how difficult it's to get this...
but it's obvious once stated.

...? A StringIO instance adapting a string to be used as a readablefile is not an adapter?! It's definitely a pristine example of the Adapter Design Pattern (per Gof4), anyway... and partly because of that I think it SHOULD be just fine as an ``adapter''... honestly I fail to see what's wrong with the poor StringIO instance keeping the "we have read as far as HERE" index as its "local state" (imagine a readonlyStringIO if you want, just to make for simpler concerns).

Or, consider a View in a Model-View-Controller arrangement; can't we get THAT as an adapter either, because (while getting most data from the Model) it must still record some few presentation-only details locally, such as, say, the font to use?

I'm not sure I'm all that enthusiastic about this crucial aspect of PJE's new "more pythonic than Python" [r]evolution, if it's being presented correctly here.


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