On 2005-01-15, at 23.50, Just van Rossum wrote:
Phillip J. Eby wrote:

But it _does_ perform an implicit adaptation, via PyObject_GetIter.

First, that's not implicit. Second, it's not adaptation, either. PyObject_GetIter invokes the '__iter__' method of its target -- a method that is part of the *iterable* interface. It has to have something that's *already* iterable; it can't "adapt" a non-iterable into an iterable.

Further, if calling a method of an interface that you already have in
order to get another object that you don't is adaptation, then what
*isn't* adaptation?  Is it adaptation when you call 'next()' on an
iterator? Are you then "adapting" the iterator to its next yielded

That's one (contrived) way of looking at it. Another is that

  y = iter(x)

adapts the iterable protocol to the iterator protocol.

Especially since an iterable can also be an object without an __iter__ method but with a __getitem__ method. Calling __iter__ might get an iterator, but calling __getitem__ does not. That seems like adaptation. No? It's still not clear to me, as this shows, exactly what counts as what in this game.


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