Michael Hudson wrote:
"Phillip J. Eby" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
And whatever happened to CALL_METHOD?

It didn't work as an optimization, as far as I remember.  I think the
patch is on SF somewhere.  Or is a branch in CVS?  Oh, it's patch

Do we need a tp_callmethod that takes an argument array, length, and
keywords, so that we can skip instancemethod allocation in the
common case of calling a method directly?

Hmm, didn't think of that, and I don't think it's how the CALL_ATTR
attempt worked.  I presume it would need to take a method name too :)

CALL_ATTR basically replaced ``LOAD_ATTR; CALL_FUNCTION`` with a single opcode. Idea was that the function creation by the LOAD_ATTR was a wasted step so might as well just skip it and call the method directly.

Problem was the work required to support both classic and new-style classes. Now I have not looked at the code since it was written back at PyCon 2003 and I was a total newbie to the core's C code at that point and I think Thomas said it had been two years since he did any major core hacking. In other words it could possibly have been done better. =)

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