Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
Of course it must be supported.  My point is that many strings (in my
applications, all but those strings that result from slurping in a
file or process output in one go -- example, not a statistically valid
sample!) are not the beginning of "what once was a stream".  It is
error-prone (not to mention unaesthetic) to not make that distinction.

"Explicit is better than implicit."

I can't put these two paragraphs together. If you think that explicit is better than implicit, why do you not want to make different calls for the first chunk of a stream, and the subsequent chunks?

 >>> s=cStringIO.StringIO()
 >>> s1=codecs.getwriter("utf-8")(s)
 >>> s1.write(u"Hallo")
 >>> s.getvalue()

Yes!  Exactly (except in reverse, we want to _read_ from the slurped
stream-as-string, not write to one)!  ... and there's no need for a
utf-8-sig codec for strings, since you can support the usage in
exactly this way.

However, if there is an utf-8-sig codec for streams, there is currently no way of *preventing* this codec to also be available for strings. The very same code is used for streams and for strings, and automatically so.


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