On 4/20/05, M.-A. Lemburg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> > PS. a side effect of the for-in pattern is that I'm beginning to feel
> > that Python
> > might need a nice "switch" statement based on dictionary lookups, so I can
> > replace multiple callbacks with a single loop body, without writing too
> > many
> > if/elif clauses.
> PEP 275 anyone ? (http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0275.html)
> My use case for switch is that of a parser switching on tokens.
> mxTextTools applications would greatly benefit from being able
> to branch on tokens quickly. Currently, there's only callbacks,
> dict-to-method branching or long if-elif-elif-...-elif-else.

I think "match" from Ocaml would be a much nicer addition to Python
than "switch" from C.


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