Robert Brewer wrote:
Shane Hathaway wrote:

Robert Brewer wrote:

So currently, all subclasses just override __set__, which leads to a
*lot* of duplication of code. If I could write the base

class' __set__

to call "macros" like this:

   def __set__(self, unit, value):
       if self.coerce:
           value = self.coerce(unit, value)
       oldvalue = unit._properties[self.key]
       if oldvalue != value:
           unit._properties[self.key] = value

defmacro begin:
defmacro pre:
defmacro post:
defmacro end:

Here is a way to write that using anonymous blocks:

   def __set__(self, unit, value):
       with self.setting(unit, value):
           if self.coerce:
               value = self.coerce(unit, value)
           oldvalue = unit._properties[self.key]
           if oldvalue != value:
               with self.changing(oldvalue, value):
                   unit._properties[self.key] = value

   def setting(self, unit, value):
        # begin code goes here
       yield None
       # end code goes here

   def changing(self, oldvalue, newvalue):
       # pre code goes here
       yield None
       # post code goes here


Which do you prefer? I like fewer methods. ;-)

I still prefer more methods, because my actual use-cases are more
complicated. Your solution would work for the specific case I gave, but
try factoring in:

* A subclass which needs to share locals between begin and post, instead
of pre and post.


* A set of 10 subclasses which need the same begin() but different end()

Yielding seems both too restrictive and too inside-out to be readable,

it seems what you are asking for are functions that are evaluated in namespace of the caller:

- this seems fragile, the only safe wat to implement 'begin' etc is to exactly know what goes on in __set__ and what names are used there

- if you throw in deferred evaluation for exprs or suites passed in
as arguments and even without considering that, it seems pretty horrid implementation-wise

Notice that even in Common Lisp you cannot really do this, you could define a macro that produce a definition for __set__ and takes fragments corresponding to begin ... etc

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