> > I think that realization is important.  It would be great to have a
> > section of the PEP that focuses on separability and matching
features to
> > benefits.  Start with above observation that the proposed examples
> > be achieved with generators driving the block statement.
> Good idea. I'm kind of stuck for time (have used up most of my Python
> time for the next few weeks) -- if you or someone else could volunteer
> some text I'd appreciate it.

I'll take a crack at it in the morning (we all seem to be on borrowed
time this week).

> > When the discussion hits comp.lang.python, a separability section
> > help focus the conversation (there's a flaw/issue/dislike about
> > x; however, features y/z and related benefits do not depend on x).
> Right. The PEP started with me not worrying too much about motivation
> or use cases but instead focusing on precise specification of the
> mechanisms, since there was a lot of confusion over that. Now that's
> out of the way, motivation (you might call it "spin" :-) becomes more
> important.

Perhaps the cover announcement should impart the initial spin as a
request for the community to create, explore, and learn from use cases.
That will help make the discussion more constructive, less abstract, and
more grounded in reality (wishful thinking).

That probably beats, "Here's 3500 words of proposal; do you like it?".

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