[Nick Coghlan]
> > What does a try statement with neither an except clause nor a finally 
> > clause mean?

[Greg Ewing]
> I guess it would mean the same as
>    if 1:
>      ...
> Not particularly useful, but maybe it's not worth complexifying
> the grammar just for the sake of disallowing it.
> Also, some people might find it useful for indenting a block
> of code for cosmetic reasons, although that could easily
> be seen as an abuse...

I strongly disagree with this. It should be this:

try_stmt: 'try' ':' suite
                except_clause ':' suite)+
                ['else' ':' suite] ['finally' ':' suite]
                'finally' ':' suite

There is no real complexity in this grammar, it's unambiguous, it's an
easy enough job for the code generator, and it catches a certain class
of mistakes (like mis-indenting some code).

--Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)
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