[Nick Coghlan]
> With Guido's latest comments, it looks like this is going to be going into the
> "Open Issues" section - his current inclination is that do statements should
> only abstract finally clauses, not arbitrary exception handling. I believe 
> he's
> misinterpreting the cause of the pushback against PEP 340 (I think it was the
> looping that was found objectionable, not the ability to suppress exceptions),
> but *shrug* :)

I realize that the pushback was against looping, but whereas in the
PEP 340 proposal general exception handling comes out naturally, it
feels as an ugly wart in the modified PEP 310 proposal.

Plus I think the use cases are much weaker (even PEP 340 doesn't have
many use cases for exception handling -- the only one is the
auto-retry example).

--Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)
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