Michael Hoffman wrote:
> On Wed, 29 Jun 2005, Tony Meyer wrote:
>> Maybe this has already been answered somewhere (although I don't
>> recall seeing it, and it's not in the sourceforge tracker) but has
>> anyone asked Jason Orendorff what his opinion about this (including
>> the module in the stdlib) is?
> I e-mailed Jason earlier this week before submitting the RFE. He said
> that "I'd like to see path (or something like it) in the standard
> library." He also said he didn't have time to write a PEP at the
> moment, but that I should feel free to do so.
> As for me, I'm happy for Reinhold to do it if he wants. <wink>

Well, as it is your RFE... ;)

I'm not eager to write a PEP right now, though I think I said so in a post.
I just wanted to start a discussion here, so that you can write a better
PEP <wink>.


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