Raymond Hettinger wrote:
>> > I compiled a list of some possible new context managers that could
> be
>> > added to the stdlib. Introducing a new feature should IMO also show
>> > usage of it in the distribution itself. That wasn't done with
>> > decorators (a decorators module is compiled at the moment, if I'm
>> right),
>> > but with context managers, there's certainly room to add some. Of
>> course,
>> > my list is excessive, it's only some ideas I got by flying over the
>> stdlib
>> > docs.
> The PEP contains plenty of examples.  If you're really feeling the need,
> add something to the demo directory.
> For the most part, the applications need to work themselves out over
> time through wikis, individual patch submissions, ASPN recipes,
> third-party apps, etc.  
> The natural evolution of best practices tends to get thwarted by
> prematurely using the standard library to cast a particular solution in
> stone.
> This doesn't preclude individual patches such as a context manager for
> decimal.Context objects.  Each proposal should be considered on its own
> merits rather than as a part of an overall effort to ram a bunch of
> these into the standard library.    Over time, plenty of these will
> sprout-up.

As with decorators? Sure, plenty have sprouted up, but delivering them one
release after the feature itself (if the decorators module makes it into 2.5)
seems a little bit like lagging behind -- especially when good and useful
examples exist.

Of course, not all of these in my list are good ideas to implement.


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