Michael Hudson wrote:
> Would it work/how much risk would it be to create accounts with shell
> /bin/false?

It seems that the pydotorg admins are worried about such a prospect.

I believe this alone either won't work or won't be good enough (not
sure which one): If you have /bin/false as login shell, and still
manage to invoke /usr/bin/svnserve remotely, you can likely also
invoke /usr/bin/cat /etc/passwd remotely (or download and build
the root exploit via ssh).

So you would have restrict the set of valid programs to *only*
svnserve. This is possible, but difficult to manage (AFAIK).

> (still faintly bothered by ~/.subversion/auth/svn.simple/*...)

Indeed. I personally would prefer SSL client certificates. This
is still tricky (where do you get the passphrase for the private
key from (*)), but slightly better.


(*) In case you wonder, I'm personally using the following techniques
- on windows, remove the passphrase from the private key/.p12 file,
  and encrypt the file through NTFS encryption. Then you don't need
  to enter a passphrase, but still nobody can steal the private
  key from your disk (as long as you are not logged in; the same
  holds for ssh-agent)
- on Linux, my issue is that .subversion is on NFS, so any root
  user in our net can connect to the file. Therefore, I copy
  the .p12 file to /tmp/private_dir, and remove the passphrase
  there. No other machine can read the file (as /tmp is not
  exported), and the file goes away after machine shutdown
  latest (as tmp is cleaned on reboot).
- again on windows, I'm working on teaching subversion the
  Microsoft certificate store.

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