Phillip J. Eby writes: > You didn't offer any reasons why this would be useful and/or good.
It makes it dramatically easier to write Python classes that correctly support 'with'. I don't see any simple way to do this under PEP 343; the only sane thing to do is write a separate @contextmanager generator, as all of the examples do. Consider: # class Context: ... def __enter__(self): ??? def __exit__(self, t, v, tb): ??? DefaultContext = Context(...) Kindly implement __enter__() and __exit__(). Make sure your implementation is thread-safe (not easy, even though decimal.getcontext/.setcontext are thread-safe!). Also make sure it supports nested 'with DefaultContext:' blocks (I don't mean lexically nested, of course; I mean nested at runtime.) The answer requires thread-local storage and a separate stack of saved context objects per thread. It seems a little ridiculous to me. Whereas: class Context: ... def __with__(self): old = decimal.getcontext() decimal.setcontext(self) try: yield finally: decimal.setcontext(old) As for the second proposal, I was thinking we'd have one mental model for context managers (block template generators), rather than two (generators vs. enter/exit methods). Enter/exit seemed superfluous, given the examples in the PEP. > [T]his multiplies the difficulty of implementing context managers in C. Nonsense. static PyObject * lock_with() { return PyContextManager_FromCFunctions(self, lock_acquire, lock_release); } There probably ought to be such an API even if my suggestion is in fact garbage (as, admittedly, still seems the most likely thing). Cheers, -j _______________________________________________ Python-Dev mailing list Unsubscribe: