Antoine Pitrou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >     What would this mythical block statement look like that would make
> > properties easier to write than the above late-binding or the subclass
> > Property recipe?
> I suppose something like:
> class C(object):
>     x = prop:
>         """ Yay for property x! """
>         def __get__(self):
>             return self._x
>         def __set__(self, value):
>             self._x = x
> and then:
> def prop(@block):
>     return property(
>         fget=block.get("__get__"),
>         fset=block.get("__set__"),
>         fdel=block.get("__delete__"),
>         doc=block.get("__doc__", ""),
>     )
> (where "@bargs" would be the syntax to refer to block args as a dict,
> the same way "**kargs" already exist)

You are saving 3 lines over the decorator/function approach at the cost
of possible confusion over blocks and an easily forgotten/not read @
just after an open paren.

Thanks, but I'll stick to the Property decorator, Property subclass,
property late bindings, or even a Property metaclass*, and not need to
modify Python syntax.

 - Josiah

* Property metaclass in an embedded class definition:

class Property(type):
    def __init__(*args):
    def __new__(cls, name, bases, dct):
        return property(dct.get('get'),
                        dct.get('__doc__', ''))

class foo(object):
    class x(object):
        __metaclass__ = Property
        def get(self):
                return self._x
            except AttributeError:
                self._x = 0
                return 0
        def set(self, value):
            if value >= 5: raise ValueError("value too big")
            self._x = value
        def delete(self):
            del self._x

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