On Oct 23, 2005, at 6:43 PM, Barry Warsaw wrote:

> I've had this PEP laying around for quite a few months.  It was  
> inspired
> by some code we'd written which wanted to be able to get immutable
> versions of arbitrary objects.  I've finally finished the PEP,  
> uploaded
> a sample patch (albeit a bit incomplete), and I'm posting it here  
> to see
> if there is any interest.
> http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0351.html

I like this.  I'd like it better if it integrated with the adapter  
PEP, so that the freezing mechanism for a given type could be  
pluggable, and could be provided even if the original object did not  
contemplate it.  I don't know where the adapter PEP stands: skimming  
through the (most recent?) thread in January didn't give me a clear  

As another poster mentioned, in-place freezing is also of interest to  
me (and why I read the PEP Initially), but as also as mentioned  
that's probably unrelated to your PEP.

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