Hi Martin,

On Thu, Jan 05, 2006 at 12:36:40AM +0100, "Martin v. L?wis" wrote:
> OTOH, I also think we should get rid of buildno entirely. Instead,
> svnversion should be compiled into the object file, or, if it is absent,
> $Revision$ should be used; the release process should be updated to
> force a commit to the tag/Modules/buildno.c right after creating the
> tag. sys.build_number should go, and be replaced with sys.svn_info,
> which should also include the branch from which the checkout/export
> was made. $Revision$ should only be trusted if it comes from a
> tag/.

All this sounds good.

> Should I write a PEP for that?

I agree with Barry that it's overkill to ask for PEPs for too many small

A bientot,

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