Michael Hudson wrote:
> Georg Brandl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Michael Hudson wrote:
>>> Georg Brandl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>>> The call to curses.setupterm() leaves my terminal in a bad state.
>>> Hmm.
>>>> The reset program outputs:
>>>> Erase set to delete.
>>>> Kill set to control-U (^U).
>>>> Interrupt set to control-C (^C).
>>> It always says that :) (unless you've messed with stty, I guess)
>> Well, when I do a reset without meddling with the terminal, it says nothing,
>> at least on my box.
> Oh.  Maybe I'm out of date.
>> And, there's more: Ctrl+D doesn't work, Ctrl+C doesn't work.
> Right, so it definitely sounds like the terminal is in raw mode.
>>>> Doesn't the setupterm() have to be paired with something like 
>>>> shutdownterm()?
>>> Not as far as my memory of curses goes.  From the man page:
>>>        The setupterm routine reads in the terminfo database,
>>>        initializing the terminfo structures, but does not set up the
>>>        output virtualization structures used by curses.
>>> What platform are you on?
>> Linux 2.6, ncurses 5.5, TERM=xterm.
> Well, this still has the faint whiff of impossibility about it.  Are
> you sure it's setupterm() that's doing the damage?  Can you reproduce
> interactively?

Alone, the setupterm call [curses.setupterm(sys.__stdout__.fileno())] does
nothing remarkable, but when it is done inside of curses.initscr() / 
the terminal is not restored properly.

If setupterm() is to be tested, I think it should be executed before initscr().


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