On Tue, Jan 10, 2006 at 03:57:28PM -0800, Josiah Carlson wrote:

> As always, I'm sure that reasonable patches which work around such
> segfaulting cases will be acceptable, though remember that it may not be
> clear how to work around them.

Sorry, I missed the point I was aiming at, I guess. I wasn't aiming for
fixable bugs; I see these things as, with great effort, holding up your foot
at an awkward angle so that it ends up right at the business end of your
primed and lit medieval cannon. We can jump through hoops to stop those
particular examples, but I'd rather spend time and effort to fix *real* bugs
instead. I was just showing that if you want to crash Python, you need
neither 'ctypes' nor 'dl'.

I do agree a warning is suitable to both of those modules, though if anyone
wants to nitpick, similar modules might be added to marshal and cPickle (and
pickle, too!), when feeding invalid input. Those modules are more in the
awkward-foot-angle terrain for me, though.

Thomas Wouters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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