On 1/14/06, Armin Rigo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Brett,
> If by any chance PyPy continues to be funded beyond 2006, we would
> definitely welcome you around :-)  (If our funding model doesn't change,
> it might be difficult for us to give you money oversea, though... just
> asking, just in case, would you consider moving to a European
> university?)

That would be cool!  I definitely would not mind working on PyPy. 
Unfortunately I would not consider changing universities; I really
like it here.

> PyPy contains several open language research areas that you mentioned:
> network-distributed language support, concurrent programming...  and we
> even already have a Python -> JavaScript compiler :-)  Making it useful
> is an open challange, though.

Well, if PyPy picked up the grants tab I would work on whatever you
guys wanted that could be turned into a dissertation topic.  =)

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