[Steve Holden]
> Is there any way to affect the target of the very prominent "Download
> Python" link on
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/python/ ?
> I ask because the link currently takes you to a page whose title is
> "Exiting with Error" and whose content is largely "No File Packages".
> While it's not where you arrive from a Google search for "python
> download" it is nevertheless a legitimate way (just now) to approach the
> project, and should therefore really be live.
> Is there any chance some SF admin could point it to
>      http://www.python.org/download/

Sorry, looks like SF auto-creates the download "button", hardwired to
the project's SF "Files" section.  The Python project doesn't have any
files on SF anymore.

If you go to


you'll see the equally prominent "Download ZODB and ZEO" button,
pointing to that project's equally ZODB-free Files area.  But, in that
case, you'll see that there _is_ a package, named README, with a
"release" named "How to get the source".  If you click on that and
fight your way through the download process, you eventually end up
with file "zodb.txt", which contains a real download URL for ZODB

Overall I'm not sure that's an improvement, but it was the best I
could come up with 2 years ago when ZODB stopped using SF for
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