On 4/16/2018 6:00 PM, Martin Gainty wrote:

I was told the python -m test are for devs only to test "auxiliary functions"

People say all sorts of nonsense. I don't know what 'auxiliary function' would mean in this context. The Windows installer optionally installs the tests so that users can run them.

do you have a "basic test" i can use to validate Python36 has installed properly on Win10?

If clicking the Python 3.6 Python 3.6 Start Menu entry or entering 'python' or in particular 'py -3.6' at a command prompt brings up the 3.6 interactive interpreter, the installation is 'proper' unless a particular file has an error.

For a recent StackOverflow question, a strange error in lib.idlelib.rpc was fixed by re-installing (whereas the IDLE editor worked), so I suspect a disk error. I wonder if the installer could do a better job of verifying the download and then the installation of each file.

Terry Jan Reedy

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