On 4/29/2018 11:51 PM, Guido van Rossum wrote:
On Sun, Apr 29, 2018 at 10:45 AM, Eitan Adler <li...@eitanadler.com <mailto:li...@eitanadler.com>> wrote:

    On 29 April 2018 at 01:34, Jeff Allen <ja...@farowl.co.uk
    <mailto:ja...@farowl.co.uk>> wrote:
    > On 27/04/2018 08:38, Greg Ewing wrote:

    > I speculate this all goes back to some pre-iteration version of FORmula
    > TRANslation, where to its inventors '=' was definition and these really 
    > "statements" in the normal sense of stating a truth.


That blog post was brought up before in this discussion (probably on python-ideas). I have my doubts about whether it accurately represents the historic truth though.

It is woefully incomplete in omitting the common usage of = to mean 'equals' both as statement (comparison) and command (assignment) in both English and math. I don't have any math books that I know of that predate computers, but I suspect the usage is not new.

The pre-C computer language history has a gaping hole: BASIC, which uses = for both assignment and comparison, was released May 1, 1964. I don't believe the syntax allowed any ambiguity as to the meaning of each occurrence. To me, it is the use of anything else that needs explaining.

Terry Jan Reedy

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