​2018年6月7日(木) 2:44 Brett Cannon <br...@python.org>:

> On Wed, 6 Jun 2018 at 09:27 INADA Naoki <songofaca...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>  First I was also
>>> confused between travis-ci.com and travis-ci.org ... The documentation
>>> shows an example with .com, but Python organization uses .org.
>>> Victor
>> .org is legacy.
>> Open source projects can migrate to new .com.
> ... eventually: "existing user accounts and repositories will be migrated
> over time." I have not seen any announcements or anything regarding how
> when or how to migrate ourselves.
> -Brett

Before waiting notice from Travis-CI, we need to activate the repository on
new site.

> However, open source repositories will be migrated to travis-ci.com gradually,
beginning at the end of Q2 2018. You will receive an email when the
migration for a repository is complete. This is an opt-in process: to have
a repository migrated over, it must first be activated on travis-ci.com.

Could someone who is
​python org admin
owner try activa
ting from here?
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