On Sat, Jun 30, 2018 at 9:43 AM Tim Peters <tim.pet...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The attractions are instead in the areas of reducing redundancy, improving
> clarity, allowing to remove semantically pointless indentation levels in
> some cases, indeed trading away some horizontal whitespace in otherwise
> nearly empty lines for freeing up a bit of vertical screen space, and in
> the case of comprehensions/genexps adding straightforward ways to
> accomplish some conceptually trivial things that at best require trickery
> now (like emulating a cell object by hand).

The examples you provided (some were new in this thread, I think) are
compelling. While my initial reaction to the proposal was mild horror, I'm
not troubled by the scoping questions.

Issues still bothering me:
1. Initial reactions from students was confusion over := vs =
2. This seems inconsistent with the push for type hints

To be fair, I felt a similar gut reaction to f-strings, and now I can't
live without them. Have I become a cranky old man, resistant to change?
Your examples have put me into the "on the fence, slightly worried"
category instead of "clearly a bad idea".

On scoping, beginners seem more confused by UnboundLocalError than by
variables bleeding between what they perceive as separate scopes. The
concept of a scope can be tricky to communicate. Heck, I still make the
mistake of looking up class attributes in instance methods as if they were
globals. Same-scope is natural. Natural language is happy with ambiguity.
Separate-scope is something programmers dreamed up. Only experienced C,
Java, etc. programmers get surprised when they make assumptions about what
syntax in Python creates separate scopes, and I'm not so worried about
those folks. I remind them that the oldest versions of C didn't have block
scopes (1975?) and they quiet down.

The PEP lists many exclusions of where the new := operator is invalid [0].
I unfortunately didn't have a chance to read the initial discussion over
the operator. I'm sure it was thorough :-). What I can observe is that each
syntactical exclusion was caused by a different confusion, probably teased
out by that discussion. Many exclusions means many confusions.

My intuition is that the awkwardness stems from avoiding the replacement of
= with :=. Languages that use := seem to avoid the Yoda-style comparison
recommendation that is common to languages that use = for assignment
expressions. I understand the reluctance for such a major change to the
appearance of Python code, but it would avoid the laundry list of
exclusions. There's some value in parsimony.

Anyway, we've got some time for testing the idea on live subjects.

Have a good weekend, everyone.
-- Michael

PS. Pepe just tied it up for Portugal vs Uruguay. Woo! ... and now Cavani
scored again :-(

[0] https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0572/#exceptional-cases
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