> It seems like the discussion so far is:
> Victor: "I know people when people hear 'new API' they get scared and
> think we're going to do a Python-3-like breaking transition, but don't
> worry, we're never going to do that."
> Nathaniel: "But then what does the new API add?"
> Greg: "It lets us do a Python-3-like breaking transition!"

That is not what I am proposing but it seems too easy for people to
misunderstand it as such. Sorry.

Between everything discussed across this thread I believe we have enough
information to suggest that we can avoid an "everyone's afraid of a new 3"
mistake by instead making a shim available with a proposed new API that
works on top of existing Python VM(s) so that if we decide to drop the old
API being public in the future, we could do so *without a breaking

Given that, I suggest not worrying about defining a new C API within the
CPython project and release itself (yet).

Without an available benefit, little will use it (and given the function
call overhead we want to isolate some concepts, we know it will perform
worse on today's VMs).

That "top-5" module using it idea?  Maintain forks (hooray for git) of
whatever your definition of "top-5" projects is that use the new API
instead of the CPython API.  If you attempt this on things like NumPy, you
may be shocked at the states (plural on purpose) of their extension module
code.  That holds true for a lot of popular modules.

Part of the point of this work is to demonstrate that non-incremental order
of magnitude performance change can be had on a Python VM that only
supports such an API can be done in its own fork of CPython, PyPy,
VictorBikeshedPy, FbIsAfraidToReleaseANewGcVmPy, etc. implementation to
help argue for figuring out a viable not-breaking-the-world transition plan
to do such a C API change thing in CPython itself.

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