Fra: Paul Moore []:
> > A major version change serves as a heads up that something is going on and 
> > you need to check the consequences before upgrading.
> Python's backward compatibility policy allows breaking changes between 
> versions X.Y and X.Y+1 (with a suitable deprecation period). This proposal is 
> no different.

Except perhaps in scale.  The same people that upgrade from 3.x to 3.x+1 
without giving it a second thought, just to be on the latest version, will 
hesitate to go from 3.x to 4.y, because the major version change is a hint that 
they should be more careful.  That means they're ready for it when they get the 
ModuleNotFoundError exception, instead of feeling ambushed.

OK, it may be that this is not enough to warrant a 4.0 release, but I do think 
python-dev should get over its fear of major versions sometime.  And that 
transitioning to a leaner standard library with some things moved to PyPI would 
not be a bad program statement for a Python 4.0.

regards, Anders
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