Hi Ed,

Your note probably won't receive any other reply than this, because the
python-dev list is specifically for discussions about the development _of_,
rather than _with_, Python.

A more appropriate forum is probably the Python list (python-l...@python.org),
about which you can discover more details at Python-list Info Page

Kind regards,
Steve Holden

On Thu, Jun 20, 2019 at 3:40 AM Ed Peschko <horo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> all,
> I'm writing a function meant to print out the context of a given
> function call when executed - for example:
> 1. def main():
> 2.
> 3. _st = stack_trace_closure("/path/to/log")
> 4. _st()
> 5. _st()
> would print out
>     /path/to/file.py:4
>     /path/to/file.py:5
> for each line when executed. Basic idea is to create a closure and
> associate that closure with a filename, then run that closure to print
> to the log without needing to give the filename over and over again.
> So far so good. But when I write this function, the frames given by
> getframeinfo or extract_stack skip the actual calling point of the
> function, instead giving back the *point where the closure was
> defined*.  (in the above example, it would print /path/to/file.py:3,
> /path/to/file.py:3 instead of incrementing to show 4 and 5).
> However, when I insert a pdb statement, it gives me the expected
> calling frame where _st is actually called.
> What's going on here? It looks an awful lot like a bug to me, like an
> extra frame is being optimized out of of the closure's stack
> prematurely.
> I've tried this in python2.7 and python3.3, both show this.
> thanks much for any info,
> Ed
> code follows:
> ---
> def stack_trace_closure(message, file_name=None, frame=3):
>     fh = open(file_name, "w+")
>     def _helper():
>         return stack_trace(message, frame, fh)
>     return _helper
> def stack_trace(message _frame, fh):
>     _bt = traceback.extract_stack()
>      fh.write( "%s:%s - %s" % (_bt[_frame][0], _bt[_frame][1], _message))
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