Hi everyone,

I've found myself recently writing Python code that dynamically generates
bytecode.¹ I now have yet another case where I'm having to do this, in
which my nice situation of being able to easily precompute all the jump
addresses no longer holds. So I'm starting to write a helper to make it
easy to write bytecode from Python, with its basic API calls being
write(opcode, arg) and nextLine(optional label). The argument can be an
int, name, local name, constant, label, etc., depending on the opcode, and
it maintains all the appropriate tables and finally dumps a code object at
the end.

All of which is well and good and makes life much easier, but... I am
*not* looking
forward to writing the logic that basically duplicates that of assemble()
in compile.c, of splitting all of this into basic blocks and computing the
correct jump positions and so on before finally dumping out the bytecode.

Has anyone already done this that people know of? (Searching the
Internetz didn't turn anything up) Failing that, to what extent is it
reasonable to either consider assemble() as some kind of sane API point
into compile.c, and/or add some new API in compile.h which implements all
of the stuff described above in C?

(I'm fully expecting the answer to these latter questions to be "you have
got to be kidding me," but figured it was wiser to check than to reinvent
this particular wheel if it isn't necessary)


¹ Not out of masochism, in case you're wondering; there was a real use
case. A storage system would receive a read request that specified a bunch
of (key, condition) pairs, where conditions where either return any value,
return an exact value, or return values in a range. It would then receive
between 1 and 1M (depending on the request parameters) candidate cells from
the underlying storage layers, each of which had a tuple of bytes as its
actual key values; it had to compare each of those tuples against the
request parameters, and yield the values which matched. Because it's an
inner loop and can easily be called 1M times, doing this in pure Python
slows things down by a lot. Because it's also only called once, doing some
really expensive overhead like synthesizing Python code and calling
compile() on it would also slow things down a lot. But converting a bunch
of (key, condition) pairs to a really efficient function from tuples of
bytes to bools was pretty easy.
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