On Sun., 3 Nov. 2019, 3:29 am Tal Einat, <talei...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sat, Nov 2, 2019 at 1:54 PM Nick Coghlan <ncogh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Fri., 1 Nov. 2019, 8:10 am Guido van Rossum, <gu...@python.org> wrote:
>>> It seems a good idea to add __int__ to Fraction, but if you stop falling
>>> back to __trunc__, won't that cause backwards compatibility issues? I'd say
>>> looking for __trunc__ if the alternative is failing isn't so bad.
>> Aye, converting a case where code is slower than it needs to be to an
>> outright failure isn't a good trade-off.
> I find int() falling back to __trunc__() surprising, actually.
> Removing it will break backwards-compatibility, but implementing __int__()
> is an easy fix.

This is exactly the kind of change that prompted Victor to write PEP 608:
seeing a compatibility break as our first option rather than as a last

Each one is cheap on its own, but collectively they make supporting new
CPython versions more painful than it really needs to be.

> Perhaps we could run a code search for classes implementing __trunc__ but
> not __int__?
> Speeding up int(str), as well as slightly simplifying the language, are
> rather good arguments in favor of this.

In this specific case, they're not particularly strong arguments.

* For performance, there shouldn't be any problem with making the check for
__trunc__ the very last conversion tried. That will still speed up all
successful int conversions that currently incur the cost of checking for a
non-existent __trunc__ method, and could only cause a compatibility issue
for obscure cases where a type that defines __trunc__, but not __int__,
gives a different answer when handled via one of the type-specific
conversions instead.

* For simplification, "versions up to X allow A, versions after X only
allow B" is never actually simpler, it's always more complex than just
leaving things alone. It's just that the cost is sometimes worth it when
the status quo is causing actual code correctness bugs.

However, what could genuinely be simpler in this case (as discussed in
https://bugs.python.org/issue33039 and
https://bugs.python.org/issue20092) is to move the fallback logic to type
creation time rather than requiring that it be implemented in every
function that accepts Integral types as input.

That logic would be:

* if __index__ exists, make __int__ and __trunc__ wrappers around that if
they don't already exist
* if __int__ exists, but not __trunc__ or __index__, make __trunc__ a
wrapper around __int__
* if __trunc__ exists, but not __int__ or __index__, make __int__ a wrapper
around __trunc__

With that logic in place, consumers could just call whichever API made the
most sense for their use case, and trust the type machinery to provide any
appropriate fallbacks.


> - Tal
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