> BTW, I think 2to3 can help to move from 2&3 code to 3-only code.

> Instead, we can do:

> * Don't recommend u-prefix except in Python 2&3 code.
> * Provide a tool to remove the u-prefix.

+1, this seems like the smoothest way of handling it and has very minimal
impact on users. In 5+ years from now as u-strings become increasingly
rare, we can consider a long term deprecation process. In the meantime, any
tools we can provide to automate the process of converting them will make
the transition that much easier.

On Wed, Dec 4, 2019 at 12:41 AM Inada Naoki <songofaca...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Wed, Dec 4, 2019 at 11:49 AM Ned Batchelder <n...@nedbatchelder.com>
> wrote:
> >
> > On 12/3/19 8:13 PM, Inada Naoki wrote:
> > > I think it is too early to determine when to remove it.
> > > Even only talking about it causes blaming war.
> >
> > Has anyone yet given a reason to remove it?
> Note that "never" is included in ”when".
> I didn't promoting removing it.  I just said let's stop discussion about
> it.
> > It will change working code
> > into broken code.  Why do that?
> Of course, everyone in this thread understands it.
> No one proposes remove it now.
> On the other hand, we remove some parts from Python language
> and the stdlib regularly to keep Python clean.
> All removal will break some code.  That's why we have a deprecation period.
> Currently, u-prefix is very widely used.  It shouldn't be removed anytime
> soon.
> And I agree that we shouldn't raise DeprecationWarning for now.
> But how about 5, 10, and 20 years later?  No one knows it.
> Let's stop discussing it.  It can not be productive.
> Instead, we can do:
> * Don't recommend u-prefix except in Python 2&3 code.
> * Provide a tool to remove the u-prefix.
> Regards,
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