>> I'm struggling to see what i-strings would do for i18n that str.format 
>> doesn't do better.
Serhiy Storchaka [mailto:storch...@gmail.com]
> You would not need to repeat yourself.
>     _('{name} costs ${price:.2f}').format(name=name, price=price)

A small price to pay for having a well-defined interface with the translator.
Security is one reason: A translator could sneak {password} or {signing_key} 
into an unrelated string, if those names happen to be present in the namespace. 
 That may not seem like a big issue if you've only ever used gettext/.po-file 
translation, where the translation is pre-built with the program, but in a more 
dynamic setting where end-users can supply translations, it's a different story.

You could parse the strings and require translations to have the same 
variables, but that is limiting. E.g. that would mean you couldn't translate
    'Welcome, {first_name}'
    'Willkommen, {title} {last_name}'

Another reason is that you don't want variable names in your program and 
translations to have to change in lock-step.
E.g. you might change your code to:
     _('{name} costs ${price:.2f}').format(name=prod.short_name, 
without needing to change any translations.

regards, Anders

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