I've been restraining myself from commenting in this threads, as I don't
know enough details of the implementation of Python to make reasoned
arguments on how much such limits would help in the efficiency for
running a Python program.  I will way that in my many years of
programming experience I can't think of any great cases where a language
as part of the language definition limited to 'size' of a program to
good effect, and generally such limits relegate a language into being
seen as a 'toy language'. The biggest issue is that computers are
growing more powerful every day, and programs follow in getting bigger,
so any limit that we think of as more than sufficient soon becomes too
small (No one will need more than 640k of RAM).

I COULD easily see on the other hand, the language stating that some
implementations might impose certain limits like those being mentioned,
and maybe provide lower limits of those limits, that barring system
resource limits a program can expect to be able to use. If a program
needs higher limits, it can use a less limiting implementation. I could
see a fork of the current CPython implementation happening, where one
path keeps the current lack of limits, and another branch tries imposing
the limits to see how much benefit you really get. After seeing, one of
the forks might just die off as not being needed any more.

I would see those limits being added to the specific implementation that
provide identifiable advantage to making the system better. Being done,
at least initially, in a fork, there might not need to be a lot of
discussion on exactly what limits to try imposing, as 'Python' as a base
language wouldn't be changing, just some limits in a particular branch
implementation. it still might make a lot of sense for some discussion
to occur to find out if the limits being discussed are reasonable.

Perhaps the one big disadvantage of this idea is that the person wanting
to see what these limits might be able to do for the language would need
to be more involved in seeing it happen, as there won't be the easy
opportunity to propose a somewhat vague idea, get it approved, and have
someone else stuck with the job of getting it done.

Richard Damon
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