On 12/17/19 2:02 AM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
Without being facetious[1] if you don't care about performance, you don't need a set, you could use a list.

Lists don't enforce uniqueness.  Apart from that a list would probably work fine for my needs; in my admittedly-modest workloads I would probably never notice a performance difference.  My anecdote was merely a jumping-off point for the discussion.

"I don't care about performance" is not because I'm aching for Python to run my code slowly.  It's because I'm 100% confident that the Python community will lovingly optimize the implementation.  So when I have my language designer hat on, I really don't concern myself with performance.  As I thought I said earlier in the thread, I think we should figure out the semantics we want /first,/ and /then/ we figure out how to make it fast.

I'll also cop to "a foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds".  I lack this strongly mathematical view of sets others have espoused; instead I view them more like "dicts without values".  I'm therefore disgruntled by this inconsistency between what are I see as closely related data structures, and it makes sense to me that they'd maintain their insertion order the same way that dictionaries now do.


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