On 09Jan2020 0429, Mark Shannon wrote:
There is a one-to-one correspondence between Python threads and O/S threads. So the threadstate can, and should, be stored in a thread local variable.

This is a major issue for embedders (and potentially asyncio), as it prevents integration with existing thread models or event loops.

Requiring an _active_ Python thread (~GIL held) to only run on a single OS thread is fine, but tying it permanently to a single OS thread makes things very painful. (Of course, this isn't the only thing that makes it painful, but if we're going to make this a deliberate design of CPython then we are essentially excluding entire interesting classes of embedding.)

Accessing thread local storage is fast. x86/64 uses the fs register to point to it, whereas ARM dedicates R15 (I think).

The register used is OS-specific. We do (and should) use the provided TLS APIs, but these add overhead.

Thread locals are not "global". Each sub-interpreter will have its own pool of threads. Each threadstate object should contain a pointer to its sub-interpreter.

I agree with this, but it's an argument for passing PyThreadState explicitly, which seems to go against your previous point (unless you're insisting that subinterpreters *must* be tied to specific and distinct "physical" threads, in which case let's argue about that because I think you're wrong :) ).

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