18.02.20 19:35, Brandt Bucher пише:
...it was decided that `d1 | d2` also should ignore the types of the operands and always 
return a dict. And it accepts only dicts, not general mappings, in difference to `{**d1, 
**d2}`. So the only disadvantage of `{**d1, **d2}` is that it is not well known and 
"looks ugly".

Not quite. While this point *has* been weakened a bit with the recent semantic 
change, you don't mention that `dict` subclasses can (and likely would) 
override the `__or__` trio with wrapped `super()` calls. So while `{**d1, 
**d2}` will *never* be anything but a `dict`, I can trust that well-written 
`dict` subclasses my code encounters will still be able to preserve themselves 
with `d1 | d2`, if desired.

Yes, but this is a different thing. You *must* to implement new `__or__` in a subclass to make the behavior of `d1 | d2` be different from `{**d1, **d2}`. Actually, there was already an example -- Counter.

It is not an argument for implementing `__or__` in dict. It is an argument for implementing `__or__` in other classes. So to add a value to it you have to look at from from the opposite side: you want an operation for merging OrderedDict, defaultdict, etc and add `dict.__or__` just for symmetry, even if it is not actually necessary for dicts.

The pure-Python implementation of the non-inplace operator can be simpler if 
use dict unpacking.

The purpose of the pure-Python implementation in the PEP is to be a clear, 
understandable example that serves as a codification of the semantics, not to 
be the shortest one-liner. The suggested changes make the code less readable, 
making it harder to see exactly what will happen if I do `self | other`. I'm 
against changing it, for that reason.

Agree, the current code makes easier to implement such operations in other mapping classes.

Regarding the commonality of this operation, we've provided eighteen detailed 
examples of third-party library code that are candidates for these new 
operators. To the best of my knowledge, a large survey like this is 
unprecedented in a PEP. Whether or not it is more common than a different 
operation on other types isn't relevant here. We have gone above and beyond in 
demonstrating the use cases in detail.

Let's take a closer look at these examples. Unfortunately the PEP does not provide links to the original code, so the context is not always known.

sympy/printing/ccode.py and sympy/printing/fcode.py

In almost all examples it is guaranteed that the result is a dict. You create a dict by calling dict() or using dict display and then update it. So the form `{**d1, **d2}` can be used in all these cases.

In some examples, like in praw/internal.py, it may be especially good:

    data = {'name': six.text_type(user), 'type': relationship, **kwargs}

In some cases, like in sympy/abc.py the proposed transformation is just not correct if arguments have overridden `__or__`. Currently it is guaranteed that the result is a dict, but with proposed code it is no longer true.


In these cases you merge a user provided dict with some default value which is a dict by default, but may be overridden in subclasses. Although it is unlikely.


The current code uses `{**attrib, **extra}`. https://github.com/matplotlib/matplotlib/blob/master/lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_svg.py#L155


The proposed transformation makes the code less efficient -- it makes redundant copying.


Sorry, but the current code

globs = globs.copy()
if extraglobs is not None:

looks much clearer to me than the proposed

globs = globs | (extraglobs if extraglobs is not None else {})
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